Another chapter of the Nightwish story
has ended today. Nightwish and Anette Olzon have decided to part
company, in mutual understanding, for the good of all parties
In recent times it has become increasingly obvious that the direction and the needs of the band were in conflict, and this has led to a division from which we cannot recover.
Nightwish has no intention of cancelling any upcoming shows, and as a result we have decided to bring in a substitute vocalist starting in Seattle 1.10.2012. Her name is Floor Jansen from The Netherlands (ex-After Forever, ReVamp), and she has graciously stepped in to help us complete the Imaginaerum world tour.
We are all strongly committed to this journey, this vehicle of spirit, and we are sure that this will lead to a brighter future for everyone.
We forever remain excited about the adventures to come, and we are extremely proud of the two beautiful albums and the wonderful shows we shared together.
NIGHTWISH & Anette Olzon
In recent times it has become increasingly obvious that the direction and the needs of the band were in conflict, and this has led to a division from which we cannot recover.
Nightwish has no intention of cancelling any upcoming shows, and as a result we have decided to bring in a substitute vocalist starting in Seattle 1.10.2012. Her name is Floor Jansen from The Netherlands (ex-After Forever, ReVamp), and she has graciously stepped in to help us complete the Imaginaerum world tour.
We are all strongly committed to this journey, this vehicle of spirit, and we are sure that this will lead to a brighter future for everyone.
We forever remain excited about the adventures to come, and we are extremely proud of the two beautiful albums and the wonderful shows we shared together.
NIGHTWISH & Anette Olzon
Floor Jansen |
A Nightwish történetében újabb fejezet zárult le ma. A Nightwish és Anette Olzon úgy döntöttek, hogy útjaik elválnak egymástól, mindkét fél érdekében, közös megegyezéssel.
Az elmúlt időszakban egyre
nyilvánvalóbbá vált, hogy a bandatagok céljai és igényei
összeegyeztethetetlenné váltak, és ez már egy olyan ellentétig
fajult el, amelyre nem találunk megoldást.
A Nightwish nem kíván egyetlen
eljövendő koncertet sem törölni, ezért úgy döntöttünk, hogy
a 2012. októberi elsejei Seattle-i koncerttel kezdve egy beugró
énekessel folytatjuk a turnét. Az énekesnő, aki az Imaginaerum
turnén kisegít minket, a holland Floor Jansen (ex-After Forever,
ReVamp) lesz.
Mind nagyon elkötelezettek vagyunk az
út iránt, és mind biztosak vagyunk abban, hogy a jövő mindenki
számára fényesebb lesz így.
Örökké lelkesítenek az új
kalandok, és rendkívül büszkék vagyunk arra a két gyönyörű
albumra és számtalan csodálatos show-ra, amit megoszthattunk
NIGHTWISH & Anette Olzon